IRC Info
IRC Server: hdcore空格.me
IRc Port: 6665, 6667
Channel: #BTS2013, #B2S-ENG, #BTS-nfo. (Our channel is invite-only channel so you should use one of the bots available in efnet to be invited by them.)
Join: /msg BTSBot invite IRCKey or /msg BTSHD invite IRCKey
IRCKey is similar to password for IRC configurable from Profile page.)
You will be invited only when you use the same nickname with the site username. After that, you can join the channel by running /join #BTS2013, /join #BTS-nfo, /join #B2S-ENG command.
(If you check a parameter such as auto-join on invite from mIRC client, you'll be autometicallyl invited to $BTS2012, etc. when you run /msg BTSBot invite IRCKey.)
If you get a message such as "Your account is disabled or nickname is not registered, please speak to an Administrator", you need to check if your nickname match with site username. And nickname is langer than 9 chars, you need to request new IRC nickname shorter than 9 chars to the site staffs.
IRC commands
IRC commands available at the channel
!bonus username : This will show you the user's bonus point details during 15 minutes.
!ircbonus : This will display the accumulated upload credits for IRC access. 7.5MB per 15 minutes. (30M/Hour)
For more detail instructions on mIRC usage, please refer to mIRC tutorial
IRC Basics
How to use IRC :
First of all, you need to download IRC client!
The following links provide you mIRC download page.
Install mIRC client
For more detail instructions on mIRC usage, please refer to mIRC tutorial