This is, first and foremost, a thank you note.
GGN could never have gone this far, accomplished this much, nor bben the home for so many people without you, the members.
The contributions you all have made to the site by simply participating in the most mundane activities are more than anyone could ever hope for.
You are all amazing, and the GGN staff would like to, again, thank you from the depths of our hearts. *bow*
With that said, I will be straight forward with the rest of the messages: gazellegames will be closeing its doors.
This came as a surprise to all of the staff team, but it is a move not unexpected. In light of UG's closing five months after BG,
It seemed like a prudent move to keep any legal actions from being taken upon anyone.
So yes, It is a precautionary measure taken in reaction to the recent movements in the torrent world.
All of your contact data such as IP addresses and emails will be wiped along with the server itself.
The IRC will stay up, so please do stop by to hang out for a bit or to say good bye.
If you feel the need to request a refund for your recent donation, please E-mail
If not, the remainder of the donations will be donated to the electronic frontier foundation.
"Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again. And meeting again, after moments
of lfetimes, is certain for those who are friends." -Richard Bach