In recent months, BTN has grown closer to reaching the user limit than ever before. There are no plans to raise the user limit, which unfortunately means that we have to find ways to slow our growth. One of the ways we have decided to do this is by limiting the number of invites users are able to send. Two changes have been made to accomplish this:
The number of invites available to each user has been set to 0. This change applies to all user classes.
Elites, Gurus, Masters, and Torrent Celebrities no longer have unlimited invites. This change applies to only those four user classes.
These changes only affect how you get invites, not your ability to use them. Elites and Gurus have been unable to use their "unlimited" invites for a long time. Masters and Torrent Celebrities will still able to use any invites they acquire. Going forward, we will sell invites in the Lumens Store.
Overlords, VIPs, Encoders, Guests of Honor, and Legends will retain the unlimited invites privilege. Those five classes are essentially unaffected by this announcement.
If you donated for invites within the past three months, please send a Staff PM. We will happily give you a different donation reward.