OK, we’ll take the bait. A source wishing to remain anonymous has informed FSF of ‘exclusive’ information about a new tracker. Not just any tracker, mind you. It’s a "P2P Tracker" launched by the popular group IMAGiNE which could also include other well-known P2P groups such as ViSiON, FLAWL3SS, KiNGDOM, PRiSM and Rx as well.
From a torrent perspective, the ideology behind this new tracker is to become a focal point for various P2P Groups to "pre" their content at a central location first. Whilst most groups eventually release (and even initially release in-house) their torrents to the major trackers (TL, IPT, RevTT, etc), but it’s been said that IMAGiNE’s tracker will also be home to exclusive content unseen elsewhere.
So far there have been conflicting opinions about this new tracker, but our initial thoughts would consider it to be a legitimate project. We can’t repost in full what was disclosed in the email to FSF, nor can we expose the URL - at least not yet. However, it’s quite clear that the person behind the message indeed wanted the exposure. Here’s what we received the other day:
"There is a new exclusive tracker for people committed to the p2p world. What is it? [URL Removed]. Who runs it? Take a guess, none other than imagine. Has a user base of the various encoders from p2p groups such as IMAGiNE, ViSiON, PrisM, Rx, FLAWL3SS, and several others. This site might grow big, but only to a few special users. This will also host all of IMAGiNE’s uploads before they are spread to sites like TL and IPT. Also ViPs might be getting access to an ftp server with their releases on them.
This tracker has the power to be the only ones to share IMAGiNE’s releases and with the small user base (mainly of seeders and group members) with all of their great releases.
If you’re looking for a few namedrops here you go: [Names Removed]
Just to name a few… so if you would like access post this on your blog (not the user names) and include an email for me to send an invite and as long as you seed you will get the exclusive on the p2p tracker ran by p2p groups.
Warning, do NOT post the url public, just say that imagines got a site and take a screenie, this is a very exclusive tracker and not very many people are priviledged to this information yet
NOTE: We were unable to reply to the sender; it was relayed from an anonymizing remailer.
Actual Screenshot of Login Page:
A Screenshot of the IMAGiNE Tracker, found at FST:
(Note the P2P-Group Torrent Categories)
It’s possible that IMAGiNE’s tracker may go open registration for a brief period next weekend. Or not. To quote iTpHo3NiX who has ties with the tracker, on 09-09-2010 he mentioned on another forum:
"And there is a plan to open signups, but probably not this weekend until we have worked out all the bugs and move to a new server and the staff also don’t want us posting URL’s here and I quote:
‘This being said, we do not want the fact of us having open sign up’s broadcasted on those shit warez forums or anything like that mind you okay.’
But to confirm there will be open signups, but the staff doesn’t want it posted here."
Oddly, it’s anyone’s guess as to why FSF was contacted at all. Lulz, hype or drama - you decide. We wish them the best of luck in the future; no question this will turn out to be a great success, even if it’s just internal.