Update 2 (Apr 03 2011, 07:00):
The current tracker issues will lead to another extension of the Neutral Leech, and we will give fair warning prior to ending the event. Additionally, it is to be expected that you will occasionally experience "502 Bad Gateway" errors while browsing: Reload the page until it loads properly.
We apologize for the tracker downtime, and would like to announce that the Neutral Leech will be extended to four days from the time of this announcement (approximately 1 AM, April 6th site time) in light of all the interruptions. We hope this gives everyone plenty of time to download everything they planned to. There will also be a reminder sooner to the end. The staff appreciates your patience and understanding over the last few days.
crackin2 简单译:
随便了啦!我们疯了,在我们公告跟提醒 Neutral Leech 结束前(站台時間 4/6 AM 01:00)